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Bohemian Paradise Geopark tour

Everybody goes to visit the Saxon and Bohemian Switzerland. Yes, I love it too. But the Czech Republic has much more to show. One of places that are popular with Czech people and still not much explored by tourists is the Bohemian Paradise Geopark tour.

One hour by car from Prague, this geopark is actually a big area full of sand stone rock castles and formations. The whole area of the Bohemian Paradise is consisting of three parts and we will visit one of them. The Prachov Rocks.

Bohemian Paradise Geopark

What is the tour about?

We will park right next to the Geopark. The trail we will use is a circle around the best lookout points of the geopark. Honestly, it is not long, but you walk up and down, so you should be at least little fit. The tour is unfortunately not suitable for disabled people, or people with medical problems. Just count with stairs like these.

Prachovské skály

But have no worries. Most of the time you will be walking on the flat surface and if you are at least little fit, you can do it. Kids are doing it, little dogs are doing it too.

Lunch in the Bohemian Paradise Geopark

Except for winter months we will have a lunch right in the geopark. They serve traditional Czech food and we can sit outside.

What is next?

Again, depending on a season, we will either drive to a castle Trosky, or to a castle Valdštejn. They close Trosky castle in the winter. Valdštejn castle is closed too, but it is at least possible to get to it.

Trosky castle in the Bohemian Paradise Geopark

Lets assume it is not a winter. We will drive maybe 20 minutes from the Geopark to the castle Trosky. It is only a ruin today. But a beautiful one. And you can actually see its two towers from a long distance. One of them is called Panna (a Virgin girl), the other Baba (a Biddy). You will easily recognize which one is who. We will be able to go inside and climb both these towers.

Trosky castle

Valdštejn castle

If you travel between November and March, Trosky castle is closed. We will take you then to Valdštejn castle, not far from the geopark. Sitting on a top of the hill in the middle of forest, the castle is a jewel of the Bohemian Paradise.

Vladštejn castle in Bohemian Paradise
Valdštejn castle

Price of our tour covers all tickets and lunch. If you are interested in taking the Bohemian Paradise Geopark tour, just book it.
