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Tour to Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland

Czech Republic may be a small country but it has so much beauty as ten countries of the same size. Beautiful lakes and rivers, deep forests and high mountains. And four national parks. One of them is the Bohemian Switzerland. In fact, Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland as one half of it is in German Saxony. Let me introduce you to this park and tell you something about our tour to Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland.

This place is getting more popular every year. Main sites are quite crowded from April to October. But beside these main sites you can still walk around without elbowing through a crowd.

Our tour to Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland is quite classic. Park itself is huge and if you want to see everything, take a long vacation. So we will visit three main sites. Bastei bridge in Saxon Switzerland (Germany). Pravcicka brana (largest sand stone arch in Europe). And the Gorges of the Kamenice river. Both in Bohemian Switzerland (Czech Republic). So what it is all about?

Pravčická brána

We start early. Your pick up is typically between 7am and 7:30am, because you know, we have so much to see.

We start in Germany, where we will visit the Bastei bridge. It is some 150 km from Prague and we will cover it in 90 minutes. Rest room break at a gas station included, of course.

Bastei bridge in Saxon Switzerland

Bastei bridge is a man made bridge from 1851 that leads to former rock castle Neurathen. The castle was originally built by Czech lords in the 13th century when this area was under control of the Czech kingdom. But it does not exist anymore and instead of Czech or Saxon warriors the bridge is used solely by tourists.

Bastei bridge

Bridge itself stands high above Elbe river that we Czechs call Labe as it origins in our mountains. It is almost 77 metres long and a few hundred metres high.

Bastei above the Elbe/Labe river

Just like rocks in the Bohemian Switzerland, rocks in the Saxon Switzerland are made of sand stone. Once under a sea level, former sand eventually turned to stone. Masses of stone eroded and various rock formations were thus made. Now the whole process is going the other way and rocks are turning back into sand.

Bastei Bridge

Bridge is just five minutes walk from a car park and we will spend on and around it no more than one hour. Local public toilets are subject to a charge of 1 EUR and you need a change.

Bastei bridge

Next stop – Hřensko village. A gate to the Bohemian Switzerland. 27 km and 30 minutes by car along the Elbe Canyon. The tour to Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland goes on.

Bohemian Switzerland national park

Pravčická brána

Pravčická brána, or Pravčice Gate, is the largest sand stone arch in Europe. 16 metres high, 26,5 metres wide, and with 7-8 metres width of the rock it stands on a top of the forested hill. It is not only part of the national park but it has additional protection from the Czech state. Since 1981 nobody is allowed to step on it. We can only admire it from surrounding rocks.

Pravčická brána

On our tour we will park in Hřensko village and then we have to hike. From the car park it is approximately 3 km to the top. First one kilometer is on the road, another two up the hill on the trail. Not difficult if you dont have medical problems or a very low level of fitness. Seniors, little kids, even very little dogs go to the top every day, so if they can do it, you can do it too.

Tourism in this area started already in 1881. Austrian duke Edmund Clary-Aldringen, owner of this land that time, realized a potential of tourism. He hired Italian workers and had them build trails, water ways, ports and right next to Pravčická brána – a little castle. He called it Falcons Nest. The castle still stands there and it serves today as a restaurant.

Falcons Nest

We will take you to best places where you can take best pictures of the place. Especially in the summer the place may be quite busy so dont expect much privacy over there. However, your view will not be blocked by anyone and you can take even pictures like this.

Pravčická brána

The same way we got up will be used to go down. Your guide will go ahead to bring a car on the road where the trail starts. It is not possible to park there but it is possible to wait there few minutes to pick someone up. And then comes the lunch time.

Lunch in a traditional restaurant

On this tour the price you pay for it covers everything. Not just tickets to all places, a boat ticket, but a lunch too. Actually, a main meal and a water. We will take you to local family restaurant that has traditional Czech food. No international kitchen, no exotic food. Just typical Czech meals like Svíčková, Goulash and so on. Vegetarians may try a fried cheese of fried mushrooms, vegans can have a salad. However, without any plant protein. Traditional Czech kitchen is kind of vegan non-friendly.

Kamenice Gorge and a boat trip

The national park has many attractions closed between November and March. If you travel in these months, we have alternative program for you in beautiful Tisa Rocks. However, between April and October you may enjoy a boat trip.

Kamenice river flows through a picturesque gorge. Once used to transport timber, since 1890 it serves to tourism.

Kamenice Gorge

You can expect 1,5 km long trail. Easy one. Very relaxed. No hills. Just walking by the river on the trail. Sometimes through short tunnels. The trail ends in the port which is your another chance to use public toilets.


The boat trip is actually twenty minutes long cruise. Maximum number of passengers is 25 and boat is almost always full. It is piloted by local guides who will make sure to tell you all funny and interesting stories about the gorge. Most tourists typically come from Germany so the pilot switches between Czech, German and sometimes even English.

A boat trip

After you leave the boat in another port, you will be walking on the similar trail and similar distance like before. Two kilometres through the gorge.

Kamenice Gorge

And it brings us to the end of this tour. Yes, we still have 90 minutes to drive back to Prague where we will deliver you back to your hotels.

If you want to do this tour with us, here is the TripAdvisor link to it. We will be happy to take you there.
